Singapore finalists showcase their cocktail creations as 2016 competition enters final stages

bacardi cocktails

November 23rd, 2015


Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition 2016 selects 5 Singapore Finalists

Returning to Singapore for the second year is one of the most important cocktail stages in the world – the Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition. The city’s top bartenders are tasked with creating their own cocktail legacy that will stand the test of time – one that can go shoulder-to-shoulder with the great classics, such as the iconic Daiquiri or Mojito. The Singapore winner will represent the country to compete at the global finals in San Francisco (USA) in April 2016.

The five Singapore finalists now commence the promotion of their cocktail entry through their bars and social media –  until February 2016. The national final and winner announcement will be held at a surprise venue in March 2016.

The Singapore Finalists

  • sim kin shim - jigger
    Sin Kim Shin, Jigger and Pony
  • satoshi
    Satoshi Iwai, Orgo
  • bannie
    Bannie Kang, Anti:dote
  • adonis
    Adonis Reyes, Bread Street Kitchen
  • stuart Danker
    Stuart Danker - Sugarhall
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5

Finalists’ Cocktail Promotions

Guests at the finalist’s bars are encouraged to use the hashtags on social media platforms e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram when they order their cocktails.

Butterfly Effect by Sin Kim Shin, Jigger and Pony
Bacardi Carta Blanca, fresh lemon juice, caster sugar syrup, dried lavender seeds, absinthe, dry vermouth
#ButterflyEffectSG #BacardiLegacySG

Legado Rosa by Stuart Danker, Sugarhall
Bacardi Carta Blanca, passionfruit syrup, fresh lime, egg white, Angostura bitters, Mezcal spritz
#legadorosa #blccsg #bacardilegacysg

La Felicidad by Satoshi Iwai, Orgo
Bacardi Superior, limoncello, fresh grapefruit juice & tonic water reduction, fresh lemon juice, sherry & honey reduction, teapot bitters

Tanggero by Adonis Reyes, Bread Street Kitchen
Bacardi Carta Blanca, fresh lime juice, lemongrass syrup, mango liqueur, egg white, chilli
#tanggero #tanggerolegacy

Hwa Chae by Bannie Kang, Anti:dote
Bacardi Carta Blanca, fresh pineapple juice, watermelon, fresh lemon juice, maple syrup,beer
#hwachae #bacardilegacysg #blccsg #bacardilegacy2016 #hwachaelegacy